Customer Testimonials

“Prior to the pandemic we were in the midst of becoming a public company. With the formation of our first board of directors - many types of calls and services were required.  I needed a one-stop solution. They were with me every step of the way.  Each event was planned and executed with extreme detail and professionalism.  Not to mention they are also a pleasure to work with! Now, with remote teams being commonplace across the world, conference calling and webcasting has become a vital part of our business. They provide many different pricing options, features and benefits. Highly recommend.”

- Director of Internal Operations – Streaming company

Morgan has been an enormous asset in having our earnings calls run smoothly. From scheduling the call, arranging pre-records, to working through the varying special requests of our clients, and much more, I have been consistently impressed with the responsiveness, professionalism, and dedication of the team to ensure our satisfaction.

- Director – Investor Relations Company

I have had the fortune of working with Morgan Caywood for several years in my various roles at Stifel. Most prominently, since 2018, Morgan has provided ample support for nearly 100 conference calls that I have arranged in my role as a roadshow coordinator. Initially, I was introduced to Morgan as our account representative and he has coordinated the setup for dozens of new employees’ conference IDs over the years. He’s always made those arrangements a breeze (for myself and colleagues) and has always made himself available to make changes or provide details when employees need access to their conference ID details or switching accounts.

Most notably, Morgan has proven to be a huge asset in my role setting up and managing roadshow conference calls, such as national investor calls and management presentation calls that can have upwards of 50 participants and 10 speakers dialing in. Throughout the multiple transitions of ownership
(West/Intercall, etc.), it has been a huge relief that Morgan has stayed as our coordinator and contact.

When I was noticing a recurrence of missing details in our participant lists or issues with the quality of our calls or extended periods of time where it would take 30 minutes to call the customer support number to set up a call and be told I don’t have access to that “feature”; I knew that if I reached out to Morgan, the problem would be corrected with ease, eagerness, great attention and speed.

I have been so thankful and appreciative that Morgan has always made himself available to help with any stage of the conference calls – from setup to the post-call. He’s taken the time to get to know my specific needs and that of our roadshow calls and makes the process as easy as 1 email where he handles everything without errors or issues. I’ve been greatly appreciative that Morgan has assisted and coordinated post-call help when needed to the satisfaction of not only me, but that of the management teams we have on the road and my superiors managing these clients. Morgan understands every need of his clients and their clients, too.

- Roadshow Coordinator – Large Investment Bank

Morgan Caywood has been very instrumental in the success of our company conferencing needs. The service Morgan and the conferencing team provides during our weekly operated assisted calls is amazing, everyone is professional and accommodating.  Morgan goes out of his way to have my calls set up for the year and/or anytime I need to add and make changes to the conference calls. The entire team has always been able to get the job done! With this being said in the past 6 plus years we have received
excellent service.

- Branch Administrator – Investment Banking