Medical Marketing

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Conference Call or Webcast for Medical Marketing?

The choice between a conference call and a webcast for medical marketing depends on the specific goals, content, and interaction requirements of your marketing initiative. Here are considerations for both options:

Conference Call:

  • Interactivity: Conference calls are typically more interactive than webcasts. Participants can actively engage by asking questions and having discussions.
  • Personalized Communication: Our conference call allows for more personalized communication, as participants can directly interact with the speaker(s) and each other if desired.
  • Cost-Effective: Conference calls may be more cost-effective for smaller-scale events, especially if you don't need extensive multimedia presentations.
  • Privacy and Compliance: In healthcare, privacy and compliance are crucial. Conference calls may offer features that allow more control over who accesses the information, addressing privacy concerns.


  • Visual Presentations: If your marketing involves visual presentations, such as medical procedures, demonstrations, or slides, a webcast may be more suitable.
  • Reach a Larger Audience: Webcasts are ideal for reaching a large audience, especially if participants are scattered across different locations. They can join from their computers or mobile devices.
  • Professional Production: Webcasts often offer higher production values, making them suitable for polished and professional medical marketing events.
  • Recording and On-Demand Access: Webcasts offer interactive features like Q&A sessions, polls, and chat, enhancing participant engagement.
  • Engagement Features: Webcasts offer interactive features like Q&A sessions, polls, and chat, enhancing participant engagement.

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If you have any questions we want to get them addressed. In certain cases specific pricing information is available. However, due to many considerations including your existing environment and technical requirements you can Contact Us any time for a custom quote.

We look forward to being of your assistance!

Considerations for Both:

  • Security and Compliance: Ask us about compliance with healthcare regulations and the necessary security features.
  • Participant Convenience: Consider the convenience of participants. A webcast might be more accessible for remote or busy healthcare professionals and conference calls offer simple dial in so no visual component to support and manage.
  • Technology Requirements: Assess the technical capabilities of your audience. Ensure that the chosen platform aligns with the devices and connectivity options your audience commonly uses.
  • Post-Event Interaction: Consider whether you need ongoing interaction or follow-up discussions after the initial event. Both platforms offer features for post-event engagement.


In summary, for more interactive and personalized communication, especially with smaller groups, a conference call might be suitable. If you aim to reach a larger audience with visual content and want the benefits of professional production and engagement features, a webcast could be the better choice. In some cases, a combination of both might also be appropriate for different stages of your medical marketing campaign. Contact Us today to discuss your specific requirements and customize a solution.

Managed Event Conferencing

Streamline the production of your most demanding audio events with Operator Assisted Conferencing. Receive comprehensive support from your single resource U.S. based representative during the entire lifecycle of your event. From pre-event planning, to acting as the Lead Operator of the call, through post-event follow-up. Our team of seasoned operators provide immediate attention, personal assistance and expert technical support behind the scenes.

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Automated Conferencing

Reservationless-Conferencing is a reliable solution that does not require reservations or operators. You have the ability to control your conference commands with a touch of a button from your telephone keypad. You receive customizable features and you can select from a variety of languages specific to your region for your system prompts. In addition, use our web portal to manage your account and conference calls online.

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Cloud Communications

We understand how businesses need to operate as well as communicate and have spent 15 years focusing on improving their internal as well as external communications' needs. We also recognize the web is a core part of most business communication journey and we proudly stand alone in our UC offering, changing the way businesses do business.

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