Why Work with a Partner like Us?

Technologies4you is a Master Agent for multiple suppliers of telecom, IT, and related services. We’ve been asked on occasion how working through an agent to recommend and implement technologies adds value. Anyone who has seen the way technology has evolved, and continues to, knows that there is a lot to consider when evaluating the right solutions for a broad end user base. This tends to mean that there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore it’s helpful to have someone with knowledge and resources of vetted vendors that can help provide consultation through each step in this process. All the while negotiating on your behalf to ensure everything is customized your liking and your budgetary requirements are met through exclusive promotions or other discounts that might not be attainable on an individual basis. 

Bridging the Gap

In larger companies that offer an array of services they can potentially be disjointed by nature. This isn’t a bad thing because it allows each department to solely focus on their service and business goals, but it can leave you with the challenges of seeking multiple sales and support teams from the same provider. This allows us to customize a solution that is end to end ensuring cross-platform interoperability. The fact is sometimes you outgrow your existing technology toolkit and need to completely re-evaluate it or at least augment certain areas. Having someone with an extensive knowledge of how everything is interconnected so they can recommend the right solutions becomes imperative. This Master Agency has the back office systems to facilitate and streamline processes by crawling through any red tape for you with a focus on Project Management and technical consultation. 

Along those same lines a Telecom Agent can innovate and customize solutions outside of the box because of this. As a case study we had a campaign client call us regarding the need for a phone bank with a vanity phone number that could be distributed for voters in a certain state to call with questions. We designed a custom application where they had 10 volunteers standing by and any time that anyone would call into a conference bridge on that particular number an operator would greet them, read a script, and connect them with the next person in line to receive a call. This could only be done because of the deep connections in multiple departments, hands on experience with these systems, and the knowledge of how to properly price it. 

Proper Representation 

The most important thing is that by engaging an Agent as a Partner you now have someone to hold accountable who can in turn use connections and knowledge to ensure technologies stay current and supported. Essentially you obtain better leverage by us representing you to a company instead of a company representative representing their interests to you. Due to natural attrition sales and support contacts at large companies tend to change frequently leaving you in the lurch. Then, when a new rep starts they can sometimes be inexperienced making technology discussions challenging. We eliminate that by giving you a consistent, experienced contact to be your voice to the supplier. 

Keeping Current
What about the enduring value of having a technology partner? In short you’ll know that someone is continually monitoring the existing services and evaluating anticipated needs to keep you up to date as we plan for the future. We’ve expanded in all areas of technology to bring you telecom, UCaaS, Safety Services, apps, broadcast tools, event virtualization, webcasts, IR services, IVR, and many other custom applications too numerous to mention. Keep in mind that we promote existing, strong brands in the business technology industry instead of repackaging them to look like our own. This ensures transparency and services that can be easily implemented without several transactions occurring. We are not creating a partnership between you and us, but rather between you, us, and the supplier which creates a much more enduring relationship with more value.

